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Sr Patricia

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Our Lenten Journey
The Son grants Life!
I pray to you, O God,
for the time of your favor.
Lord, in your great love,
answer me.
Ps 69:14

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Prayer for Our Lenten Journey

you reward virtue
and forgive the repentant sinner.
Grant us your forgiveness
as we come before you
confessing our guilt.
We ask this through
our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.

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Quote for the Day:
I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.
Mother Teresa

I started on the JoyNotes last night .. but at 9:00 threw in the towel... because I needed to get to bed. Sleep is my new focus in life. I am placing it on a much higher priority than I used to as I find out more and more information about how important it is.

I also know that when I have to concentrate as much energy as I can in getting the book done... I can't do it without sleep.... so in the next few weeks don't be surprised by continued intermittent lapses of the JoyNotes!

Good news though, I am making progress. If you sent in a story I have to apologize for not getting back to you - but at this point of the game I decided I really can't make total final decisions until the book goes off to press.. because I am up and down with which ones stay and which ones have to be left out. This afternoon I started asking my Guardian angel to help in the process and that seemed to move things along much faster.

If you want a break... and of course we all want one.. but often don't have time for them... BUT if you do.... here is a very fun link to check out. This is a blog post from a Seattle blogger on an amazing actress Amy Walker.

Chekc out the Post

the video link you want to see is 21 Accents. Amy does 21 different accents in 2 minutes and 35 seconds. Really amazing.

I love it.

and check out Amy Walker's bit on Saint Joan of Arc as well.

Please pray a Hail Mary for my Mom. We are thinking she might be developing Sundowners Snydrome as she seems to be getting more and more confused at night. In one of the stories I am working on for the book - (the author hasn't been contacted yet.. but she might know by this comment that I plan to use her story) and the story is about praying the Memorare nine times in a row as a emergency novena. It was a devotion that Mother Teresa believed was very powerful. I tried that earlier this evening. Hopefully I will find out tomorrow - that it helped.

Blessings of Peace,
Sister Patricia

Sr Patricia

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Sister Patricia Proctor, OSC
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